
Dartmouth Moves to End Crashing At Winter Carnival, Other Events

Dartmouth is cracking down on the hordes of "free loaders" from Harvard, Yale, and other schools that swarm over the Hanover campus during big weekends.

Under a program adopted by the Interfraternity Council, uniformed police officers at the doors of fraternity houses will admit only Dartmouth men bearing identification cards and guests with invitations signed by the house presidents.

During major weekends, the invitations will be limited to not more than 45 per house. With 23 houses and 45 couples per house, weekend guests will be limited to a total of 2,070. At this year's winter carnival there were 3,670 extra people, more than the enrollment of the college.

The move is designed to eliminate the outsiders who "just come" for the parties and other activities. By taking the discretion of whether to admit crashers or not out of the hands of individual members of the fraternities and putting it with policemen hired by the I.F.C., the Council hopes to eliminate the pressure on members to admit crashers.

Starts This Spring


The plan will be put into effect for the Green Key weekend this spring, and if it succeeds in controlling disturbances on the campus, will have great bearing on the rules drawn up next year to attack the big problem, the Winter Carnival.

In another ruling, the I.F.C. said that no women will be permitted to remain overnight in the fraternity houses unless they are the dates of active members of the fraternity or chapter alumni.

Another reason for the new regulations is the shortage of accommodations for so many people as show up at events like the Carnival. At the past Carnival some men were forced to find refuge in halls and doorways. The 45 invitation limit will take care of all for whom space is available, said Francis Crawford, Jr., Chairman of the Council Committee on Weekend Controls.
