No department of the University has yet moved into the Institute of Geographic Exploration on Divinity Street because the University still has hopes of establishing a strong geography department, a high University official told the CRIMSON yesterday.
A gift from a foundation or group of over a million dollars might be sufficient the official intimated. The University has been unwilling to spend its own endowment funds on geography, explaining that it cannot be strong in all fields.
So far, however, the administration has been disappointed in response to its closing of the Institute last fall for lack maintenance money. Only a few letter have been received about the closing and there have been no offers of substantial sums for the rebuilding of a geography department.
Would Be Reopened
If enough money were received, the redbrick building would be reopened and department of geography started up along the lines suggested by a faculty committee in 1949. That committee recommended that a department oriented towards regional studies rather than exploration be set up, but the University rejected the idea for lack of money.
How long the University will sit and wait in expectation of a gift large enough to establish a department in a proper style is unknown. At present, however, the building is costing the University nothing, being completely shut down. When it was open, upkeep amounted to $30,000 a year, and this was the main reason for closing it.
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