
New 'Clearing House' Plan Locates '52 Medics in Hospitals of Choice

Every one of the present Medical School seniors will work in the hospital of his choice next year.

Dr. George P. Berry, Dean of the Medical School, said yesterday that this year's placement of internes, just completed this week, is the "most successful yet" and credited a new "clearing house" plan for the good results.

The system, in its first year of use, matches students with hospitals, instead of the usual individual applications. Directors of the pairing are the National Inter-Association Committee on internships. Under the new system, a student submits his name and a listing of his choice of hospitals to the Committee, which forwards the lists to the various hospitals. The hospitals pick their internes from the most qualified applicants.

Berry said the plan has been under development by himself and other officials from the nation's medical schools for the past two years, and was put into practice for the first time last fall, when the present senior class made their interne-ship applications.

The program has the backing of the nation's hospital groups and other medical association, which praised the elimination of delay and confusion as an economic aid, and a help to the individual interne.
