
NCAE, Publisher of 'Reducators' Now Hits Progressive Education

The National Council for American Education calls the progressive system "the natural child of an intellectual rape: of Bright Freedom by Black Atheism", in its latest publication "Progressive Education, Irresponsible and Immoral Pedagogy".

The Council is also publisher of the "Reducator" lists.

Allen A. Zoll, executive Vice-President of the Council, told the CRIMSON that he was not referring to Harvard when he said that "Progressive Education is all right in principle, but because of the way it's been used, I oppose it. I think it had for the country and the individuals exposed to it. They don't get educated under progressive education. In fact, I don't consider it education at all."

He also said that since he was a layman, people often do not take note of his views on schooling, but that Frederick R. Rogers, author of the pamphlet was "a well-versed educator ... and well-qualified to discuss progressive education."

According to Rogers, progressive reject discipline, knowledge of specific facts, and "adult-made" morality and ethics. He also states that these educators "year after year teach less and less."


This form of learning does have some good qualities, however, Roger says: adaptation of teach methods to individual pupil differences, adaptation of subject matter to individual interest, and the inauguration of many new subjects. But the defects far out weigh the assets, he concludes.
