French Ambassador to the United States Henri Bonnet said last night in an interview with the CRIMSON that he is confident a unified European federation as complete as the United States will be formed, probably within the next two years.
Ratification by France of the Schuman plan is only a matter of weeks away and formation of a full-scale European army will be completed within six months, he said. The next step would be ratification by the nations involved of a federalization program.
Bonnet spoke last night before the World Law Club on "Current Trends of French Foreign Policy." "France," he said, "wishes to follow the principles of collective security to achieve peace, the ultimate goal of all Western powers. Collective security can best be realized by a strongly integrated Europe."
Answering critics who protested that France was not supplying her share of the manpower and material costs of N.A.T.O., he said that France was supplying all that is possible for a nation whose economy is still impoverished.
Expressing regret that armed peace is the only way to achieve immediate results. Bonnet said that if peace is maintained for a reasonably long period, then a unified Europe would make a breach impossible.
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