
Straus North Leads In Yardling Athletics

With Yardling Intramurals having less than three months to run, Straus North is setting the pace. Out in front by 171/2 points, Straus won the football championship with an 8 and 0 record. They slumped, however, to fifth in cross country, but gained again by finishing third and fourth in the two basketball tournaments. Intramural matches are now being held in volley-ball, wrestling, and boxing. The standings: Straus North  197 Weld South  179 1/2 Holworthy  172 1/2 Stoughton  164 1/2 Hollis  149 Mower  146 Lionel  144 Weld North  140 Massachusetts  124 1/2 Straus South  108 Thayer Middle  101 Matthews North  95 Wigglesworth West  88 Grays  82 Matthews South  80 1/2 Dudley  73 1/2 Thayer North  66 Wigglesworth East  53 Thayer South  45
