Radcliffe's student council scheduled a public recount of ballots for the position of president for 2 p.m. Saturday in Moors Hall. The decision was made after Maryalice McArdle '52, outgoing council president, received a petition requesting a recount because of the closeness of votes between the two presidential candidates, Nancy Barrow '53 and Dele Gilmore '53.
Phoebe Stone '55 and Paula Trygstad '53, spokesmen for the petitioners, explained that general feeling throughout the college was that ballot counting had become too secretive, and that many students were not aware of procedure in elections.
Council members felt that recounting of ballots should be divided between girls who were familiar with procedure and those who have petitioned for a recount. Any student interested, however, will be allowed to help count on Saturday, or at least attend the meeting.
Checking the ballots yesterday, Elizabeth Tucker '52 discovered a discrepancy in presidential point totals which gave two more second place votes and one more first place vote to Gilmore and one extra first place vote to Barrow. This makes a difference of a 14 point lead by Miss Barrow over Miss Gilmore rather than the originally stated 18 points.
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