
Thomas Predicts Hoopes Will Hold Socialist Chances

Norman Thomas, Socialistic candidate for President six times, predicted who the next Socialist Presidential nominee would be in an interview with the CRIMSON last night. He also said that he likes Eisenhower but wants to know more about his political views.

Thomas said that although he thinks the Socialists should expend their efforts in educating the public rather than running a national slate of candidates, they probably would nominate Darlington Hoopes for President. In regard to his not running, he declared, "I would be committing a positive indecency in running more than six times."

Commenting on various Presidential hopefuls. Thomas stated, "I like Ike, but I want to know what he likes." He said that some people have claimed that Eisenhower was politically to the right of Taft, while others, like Senator Morse (R-Ore.), felt he was on the left. "What he said in the short period he was President of Columbia were the usual generalizations," Thomas declared. "I want more particular knowledge of where he stands."

At New Lecture Hall last night, Thomas told an audience of about 300 that "we don't particularly need a bipartisan foreign policy, what we need is an intelligent one."

In a general analysis of the mistakes of America in world policy, he claimed that the United States had failed to realize the power of poverty and the revolutionary desire for liberty in many former British, French, and Dutch colonies in Southeast Asia. He criticized the State Department for failing to take advantage of its "dramatic" opportunities.


Thomas said he favored international cooperation in a "crusade against poverty," and claimed the present arms race will surely end in war. In answer to a question from the floor, he stated that he was not in favor of proposed Atlantic Union plans at the present time, because such a Union would "smash the United Nations."

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