
Police Arrest Four Yardlings in After-Smoker Fracas at Radcliffe

Four undergraduates were arrested and jailed by Cambridge police early this morning following a post-Smoker parade to the Radcliffe Quadrangle.

Those arrested were: William B. Pescosolido '55 on charges of disturbing the peace; Edward F. Stockwell '55, drunkenness; Donald Butters '55, disturbing the peace; and George Buelger '55, disturbing the peace. The four were booked at the central police headquarters at 12:50 a.m. A local person, Benjamin Freeman, was also arrested and charged with drunkenness.

According to police, about 100 freshmen marched to Radcliffe at the end of the Smoker. On the way, they reportedly knocked down "no parking" signs. At Radcliffe, the freshmen serenaded Radcliffe dormitories.

Soon, however, police stated that some freshmen heaved snowballs at passing automobiles and threw snow on the streets. Police dispatched three patrol car a and a police wagon following a telephone complaint.

One freshman engaged in a souffle with police at the Shepherd Street entrance to the Quadrangle. Police seized bursars cards from some students and then piled the students into the patrol wagon.


The four students and the other person arrested were taken to police head-quarters, where they were booked.

Early this morning, no one had posted the necessary $100 ball for the students. All five will be arraigned in East Cambridge District Court this morning.
