There are now two "peace" groups in the College working for official recognition. The latest one, the Peace Club, announced yesterday it will meet Monday to ratify its new constitution, and to try for a College charter next week.
The first group of "pacifists" which formed last; fall, stated yesterday that it now has the necessary two faculty advisers to apply for a charter, although one of the faculty members told the CRIMSON he had not yet made up his mind.
Prerequisite for membership in the Pacifist Club, according to co-chairman David Drake '52, is a conscientious objection to war. The group now has 12 undergraduate members.
The Peace Club so far has but eight members, two short of the ten necessary for official recognition.
Drake said that Heary J. Cadbury, Hollis Professor of Divinity and Raphael Demos, Alford Professor of Natural Religion, have agreed to sponsor his group.
Cadbury said yesterday, however, that he was still unsure. "There's no hurry," he claimed, adding that he wanted to make sure what the club stands for.
So far, the Peace Club has only been able to get one faculty sponsor, Kirtley F. Mather, professor of Geology. Louis Sharpe '54, spokesman for the organization, said there was another faculty man who might come in, but he refused to divulge the name until the issue was certain.
According to the proposed constitution, this new group will work for "deemphasis of military policies. . ., sincere negotiation to settle world conflicts . . ., social and economic aid to all countries by the United Nations . . . establishment of free democracies in colonial areas . . . and free International exchange of people and information . . ."
The group also wishes "to cooperate with all existing campus organizations." They hope to distribute Quaker bulletins on peace, to question local club officials and political candidates for their views of world issues, and set up "research committees" to issue statistics on Point Four and other economic aid programs.
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