
Sextet Fights Gamely, But Bows to N.U., 3-2

For two periods last night the Crimson hockey team played fast, rough, aggressive hockey--built up a 2 to 0 lead against Northeastern. Then, unfortunately, it ran out of gas. The Huskies scored twice in the last period and once in the overtime to win, 3 to 2, before a capacity crowd at the Arena.

In their best game of the season to date, Cooney Welland's men outplayed the favored Huskies in every category for 45 minutes. Led by Captain Dusty Burke, the Crimson showed the skill and hustle that it lacked in the earlier games. The Harvard body-checking, backchecking, and offensive rushing kept the pressure on and the puck in the Northeasetrn none for practically all of the first two periods. Then the Crimson's recent lack of practice and conditioning began to tell, and the Huskies went on to win.

Sophomore defenseman Tony Patton scored first at 4:57 of the opening period on a long lift from the blue line, when Jim Colt screened Husky goalie Ray Picard.

Bill Timpson made it 2 to 0 at 2:03 of the next period on a penalty shot. He was tripped by Husky wing Bill Doherty with nobody but the goalie between him and the cage. Taking the penalty shot all alone at the blueline, he lifted it over Picard's right shoulder from 15 feet out.

The Huskies scored at 9:14 and 12:18 of the third period, and Dave Bell beat Brad Richardson on a corner lift in the sudden-death overtime.This was the shot that broke the Crimson's heart. Northeastern wing DAVE BELL stopped around the defense and whipped the puck (arrow) into the net to give the Huskies a 3 to 2 overtime triumph.
