
Council's Praise of Carlsen Incurs Local Group's Violent Opposition

The Cambridge City Council climbed aboard the band wagon yesterday by unanimously passing a resolution honoring Captain Kurt Carlsen for his bravery aboard the "Flying Enterprise." Meanwhile, members of a university Anti-Carlsen Club registered shock at the Council's action.

For the fifth straight week the Council failed to re-elect John B. Atkinson as City Manager. The Council did not make a motion on Atkinson, or even mention his name.

In lauding Carlsen, the Council "joined the people of the world . . . in honoring him for his courage . . . while working under conditions that endangered his life."

An Anti-Carlsen spokesman stated that the group hoped to split the Council by influencing the Cambridge Civic Association. Asserting that he was "surprised" by the Council's stand on such a controversial issue, the spokesman added that the resolution would "only aggravate the situation between town and gown."

Atkinson's fate now lies with the subcommittee on finance. If the sub-committee approves of him, the measure can come back to the Council for a vote. However, Chester A. Higley, chairman of the finance committee, said that "nothing was scheduled" on Atkinson.
