
Plenty of Snow, Cold Seen in Feb. By Weatherman

National weather forecasting experts in the nation's capital issued a special Registration Day prediction for the month of February, the CRIMSON learned Friday.

The weathermen gave indication that the eastern seabord region will undergo a hard winter, with the temperature lower and the precipitation heavier than normal. Some of the latter will be snow, although an approximation of the amount was not ventured.

Snow, Snow

The Lake regions and the north plains, Washington reported, will also have colder than normal temperatures and greater precipitation.

Aside from the Southern California deluge, which evoked no comment from the experts, temperatures are expected to be above normal west of the continental divide, while the South and Southwest, extending as far as Texas, are expected to have near-normal temperatures.


Meanwhile, inn-keepers and investors in the ski country were wearing a satisfied expression for the first time in four winters, as they expected enough snow to overcome the resort slump of the last three years.
