
District Committee Rejects Plan for Purchase of Arena

Measure Called for College Use of Ice

Metropolitan District committeemen yesterday turned down a petition by Charles L. Patrone urging that the Committee purchase the Boston Arena "for use of sporting and other events by cities and towns in the metropolitan district."

Only four members of the committee voted for the bill at a State House hearing yesterday. The measure would have guaranteed the future use of the Arena by University and House hockey teams.

Directors of the Arena announced last fall that they would be forced to shut down if profits did not increase. Thus far there has been no action, and the directors have placed no curb on the number of admission-free high school or House games.

City Matter

Rep Christipher A. Iannella (Dem.), a member of the Committee, stated last night that "something like managing the Arena is foreign to something like the M.D.C. and furthermore the Arena is the problem of the city. If the state starts taking over city functions, where are we going to draw the line? It would be setting a bad precedent." Iannella added that the state would have to pay the property taxes if it took over such a building.


Since the bill was killed in committee, it cannot be submitted until next year. The only legislative alternative to decrease the Arena's financial problems would be to have the city buy it. Iannella commented that the chances for city action are poor.
