To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
One of President Lowell's amiable quips to our freshman class in 1911 somehow got deformed on its way to your editorial on the School of Design (yesterday) morning. The old man said that a given educational problem was likely to strike Harvard about ten years before it struck Yale. After the laughter subsided, he went on to say that in consequence we at Harvard had to work out the first solutions, which was not always an easy thing to do.
You will naturally see how applicable this is to the new course in design. It has been conducted admirably by Mr. Filipowski, who is a very gifted and devoted teacher. It was a good course, but within the framework of a college education it was experimental. What has been learned from the experiment is not lost. Unquestionably the new dean, whoever he is, will take the results into consideration as he begins his task of creating the School of Design anew, to serve the future as he sees it.
It has been the Harvard tradition to give a new dean a somewhat fluid situation, so that he may have the opportunity to work out his own ideas--and keep ten years ahead of Yale if he can! Kenneth J. Cenant Professor of Architecture
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