
Grad. School of Design Will Appoint New Dean

Choice May Fall on One of Three Men

A new dean of the Graduate School of Design should be announced within the next few days, the CRIMSON learned last night. He will replace Dean Joseph Hudnut '09, who is retiring this term.

Although no definite word has been received, the new dean may possibly be one of three men. It is understood that they are William G. Holford, Eero Saarinen, and William W. Wurster.

Holford, who is professor of Town Planning at University College in London, is England's leading city planner. He played a large part in the reconstruction of London after the last war. Formerly technical advisor to the Ministry of Town and Country Planning, he has designed a great number of private homes and industrial buildings.

Saarinen is a practicing architect in the middle west. His father Eliel was the founder of the Cranbrook Art Foundation in Michigan and a noted designer in this country and in Finland. Some of Saarinen's furniture creations were recently exhibited in New York's Museum of Modern Art, and he has designed a large General Motors factory.

Dean of the M.I.T. architect department for many years, Wurster, is now Dean of the Department of Architecture at the University of California in Berkeley and is in private practice. In 1943, Wurster was a fellow in the Graduate School of Design.


Among the other names suggested for the position of dean was that of David E. Lilienthal, former director of T.V.A. and head of the Atomic Energy Commission.

Dean Hudnut could not be reached for comment last night.
