To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
At 10:00 A.M. on Thursday, February 21, a Boston Post Campus reporter came to the Hollis Hall room where my twin brother and I reside at Harvard. The reporter asked us about the burning cross. We told the reporter that at the time of the incident I was sudying in my room and Arnold was away at the basketball game. Neither of us saw the incident. No one has confessed to us of committing this act. For these reasons we could not and did not accuse any individual of burning the cross; we still don't know who did it.
The Boston Post, however, quoted me as saying "I know who they were--a couple of harmless Southern boys." I want the Post to retract the statement.
We may have told the reporter that it is generally believed that the cross was burned by residents of this dormitory. When asked of the presence of some Southern boys and the possibility of their being involved, we discussed the matter; and we were careful not to make any accusations.
The Post has done a great deal of harm by misrepresenting my statement. The Post has jeopardized the reputations of two Southern boys, good friends of mine, and the reputation of a mysterious third fellow whom we can't identify--maybe the Post can.
We are certain, as most of the Harvard community is certain, that the incident was meant as a practical joke. Although in very bad taste, it was only a joke and we regret that the Post's report of it developed into such an infamous example of sensationalism and distorted and slanted journalism.
I not only demand a retraction of my misrepresented statement, but also suggest strongly that if the Post has any journalistic ethics, it print an apology and clarification of the story, as conspicuously placed as the original. Alan T. Howe '56 Arnold T. Howe '55
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