
Middies to Take European Cruise

Regular NROTC juniors and freshmen will embark on their summer cruise on July 18, the Navy Department announced Saturday. An eight-ship convoy, consisting of a battleship, a cruiser, and six destroyers, will carry the midshipmen to Europe, where they will dock at two as yet undisclosed ports.

While on this cruise the 40 freshmen and 40 juniors will put into practice the theory they have learned during the winter. In addition to standing regular watches they will be trained in electronics, navigation, radio, gunnery, and anti-submarine warfare. The juniors, having had the experience of one cruise, will get more difficult assignments, thus preparing for their commissions the following year.

Social functions will be arranged for NROTC students by the Amendment consulates in the ports.

The sophomores will divide their summer between learning the techniques of amphibious warfare at Little Creek, Va., and aviation, which is tentatively scheduled for Corpus Christi, Texas.
