
Army Beats Fading Crimson Five, 65-59

The varsity basketball team dropped its second game in two days--and its tenth straight--to Army, 65 to 59, at West Point Saturday night. The Crimson, obviously tired after its loss to Cornell the night before, led for most of three quarters, before running out of steam.

The loss was doubly unfortunate since first string guard Ed Krinsky hurt his knee in the second quarter and had to sit out the rest of the game. Krinsky's leg will be X-rayed today to determine the seriousness of the injury. He probably will miss at least the varsity's three games this week.

Condon, Dennis Star

Ed Condon and Bill Dennis continued their fine playing, leading the team to a 26-32 half time advantage. Dennis scored 22 points on set shots and was high man in the game.

Army took the lead with four minutes gone in the last quarter as Dick Cardillo and Kent Poore made three long set shots to give the Cadets a 54-50 lead.


Condon and Dick Lionette tied for honors behind Dennis, both getting eight points. Bob Gremp was next highest Crimson scorer with seven points.

Coach Floyd Wilson's freshman team won its tenth straight, beating a strong Andover team, 56 to 50, at Andover. The Yardlings have lost only one game. Andover lost to Yale earlier in the year.
