

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

On the evening of Tuesday, Feb. 5th, an incident occurred in the Harvard Yard, knowledge of which has been confined to those students in the corner of the Yard in which it took place, but which we feel should have been brought to the attention of the entire student body. We are writing this letter that others beside those who scually witnessed the incident may know of this disgrace to the University.

At about midnite the north end of the Yard was lit by a burning cross five feet high, set up in the angle formed by Hollis, Holworthy, and Stoughton, halls in which nine Negro freshmen are housed. Some of the onlookers cheered when, after ten minutes, the cross was knocked down, but we are sorry to say that others expressed indignation at its destruction. Minutes later a Negro student passing thru the Yard was hailed with remarks such as might be expected in the Klan-dominated States of the South.

We do not feel that this demonstration can be dismissed as a prank; a burning cross carries with it so many unpleasant associations that it cannot be simply laughed off. The very fact that some could see it as funny reveals a lamentable perspective.

It is regrettable that this matter has not received previous mention. We expected that other freshmen, witnesses to the affair, would have written to the CRIMSON, commenting on it. Apparently we were mistaken, hence our belated action. James Bows, Jr. '55   J. Max Bond, Jr. '55
