
Third Job Discussing Will Consider Finance

Careers in the finance industry will be discussed by three successful businessmen at 8 p.m. tonight in the Kirkland Junior Common Room in the third program of the Student Placement Office's 1952 series of Conferences on Careers.

The first speaker tonight, J. Stanely Brown, will discuss "Commercial Banking." Brown, a former Business School student, is now vice-president in charge of personnel of the Chemical Bank and Trust Company in New York.

David Edwards, president of the Saco Lowell Shops in Boston, will speak on "Finance within Industry." Edwards has been a director of the National Association of Manufacturers and the U.S. and Boston Chambers of Commerce. He once held a teaching fellowship in Economics at the University.

"Investment Banking" will be described by Carl H. Pforzheimer, Jr. '28 and the moderator will be Pearson Hunt, professor of Business Administration.
