
Star Freshman Fives Meet Thursday Night

Freshman all-star teams from the intramural basketball leagues meet for the first time tomorrow night. The game will take place at 7 p.m. in the Blockhouse, preceding the House league All-Star game.

Charies R. Brynteson 1L will coach a ten man outfit from the freshman American league, while C. Broward Craig 2L will handle the National leaguers.

The team rosters include:

American League: Bill Chauncy and Milo Marsden, Matthews North; Paul Murphy, Thayer North; Wells Whitney and Al Boni, Stoughton; Joe Hindman and Louis Mengolo, Weld South; John Small, Straus North; Steve Banker, Wigglesworth East, and Dick Dolins, Holworthy.

National League: Ezan Dawson, Thayer South; John Litzow and Joe Conzelman, Wigglesworth West; Dave Cliff, Dudley; John Fidler and Steve Chinlund, Weld North; Ed Hinz, Hollis; Hank Pildner, Massachusetts; Dan Kavanaugh, Grays; and Jerry Tomlinson, Lionel.
