
Revere Blasts Filmland Ban

Actress Anne Revere, who has been blacklisted in Hollywood because of her refusal to reveal certain information when she appeared before the House Un-American Activities Committee last year, yesterday decried the film capital's cautious censorship of all radical ideas.

Speaking at the Law School Coffee Hour, Miss Revere told the story of her "sins," which include sponsorship of the campaign for Henry Wallace, activity in the Screen Actors Guild, membership in certain "subversive" organizations, and a general impatience with the "faults of our democracy." It was these which led to her subpoena to appear before the Un-American Activities Committee.

Her decision to "take the cloak of the fifth amendment" and refuse to give information because of "self-incrimination" cost her Hollywood livelihood. "But I was through with Hollywood before it was through with me," she said.
