
Porter Work Better, Housing Official Says

Arthur D. Trottenburg '48, Operating Manager of College Houses and Dormitories, yesterday termed the Student Council's report on the student porter system "very fair, thorough, honest, and constructive."

In a meeting with porters in Dunster House, Trottenburg declared that at the time of the Council's poll, service was "pretty sad." He added, however, that "the student porter system has improved tremendously and is now beginning to take hold."

John U. Monro '31, director of the Financial Aid Center, also spoke at the meeting. He urged the porters to apply for financial aid, stating that the scholarship committee is "interested in students who indicate their financial need by working hard." Even those students who do not come up to the academic standard for scholarships may receive a loan or beneficiary aid, Monro said.

"We will make an effort to incorporate some of the report's suggestions," Trottenburg said. A new plan has already been installed, dividing Dunster into four areas for porters.
