
H.L.U. Initiates Series On Politics, Politico

In an effort to educate the University on campaign issues and policies of the major presidential candidates of both parties, the Harvard Liberal Union will initiate a two month long political program, Paul A. Levine '54, president the H.L.U., said last night. This program will consist of speakers, information pamphlets, and informal discussion groups, culminated by a University-wide presidential poll on April 29.

National issues for the 1952 campaign will be the theme of the first public meeting, scheduled for next Monday State Senator Richard H. Lee will present the Republican views on foreign and domestic policy, while State Representative James L. O'Dea Jr. will represent the Democrats.

The remaining meetings, in March and April, will concern the presidential candidates themselves. Levine said that he has contacted various candidates or their supporters, but that no definite commitments have been made yet.

The H.L.U. also plans to distribute impartial, objective literature containing speeches and records of the presidential hopefuls.
