Say, girls ... Do you long for the smell of printer's ink? Are you longing to escape your sheltered life at Radcliffe for the glittering, sophisticated world of newspaperdom?
If you do, the turning point of your life may come at 7:15 p.m. on Monday, February 18, when the CRIMSON opens its spring competition for 'Cliffe news correspondents; business representatives, and advertising layout artists.
Not only will you have a chance to report and edit news, sell advertising and design formats for them, and draw cartoons, but you'll meet some world-weary, disillusioned newsmen; earnest and straight-thinking editorial writers; shrewd; aggressive businessmen--and photographers, too.
As anyone who has never done it knows, news reporting is fascinating work. The CRIMSON interviews everyone from bigots to bird-watchers, and crowned heads all over Cambridge tremble when the word comes around that "the CRIMSON wants to talk to you." Selling ads is fun, too; there is a feeling of triumph that comes from selling a cagey Square merchant that is unparalled by the most intensive experience the Quad could offer you.
For the benefit of those young ladies who would like transportation to Plympton Street, a Crimed chauffeur will be on hand at 7:00 at the Moors Hall Bell Desk. Don't be misled--tell him you want to go to the Radcliffe competition meeting at the CRIMSON building.
There's a Crime in your future, girls.
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'Cliffe Council Passes New Course Proposal