
Alexander Puts Schreiber Crimes To Review by 'Highest Authority'

The case of Dr. Walter P. Schreiber, ex-Nazi concentration camp medical "experimenter," who is now working in Texas for the U.S. Air Force, has been taken up by "the highest governmental authority," Dr. Leo Alexander told the CRIMSON last night. He declined to specify whether the "authority" referred to was the White House.

Dr. Alexander, a one-time Medical School instructor, has spent three months trying to persuade government authorities to fire Schreiber from his job at the Air Force School of Aviation Medicine in view of his record as a supervisor of "experiments" at Buchenwald, Dachau, and other concentration camps during World War Two. Last week, the Boston Physicians' Forum endorsed Dr. Alexander's request in a letter to President Truman, and Senator Leverett D. Saltonstall '14 of Massachusetts said he would be glad to investigate the matter as soon as he learned all the details of the case.

Among those who have helped Dr. Alexander in his campaign are Dr. Helen W. Deane, assistant professor of Anatomy, and Dr. George B. Wislocki, James Stillman Professor of Comparative Anatomy. Dr. Deane originally learned of Dr. Schreider's appointment last November, and brought the matter to the attention of Dr. Alexander, who had acted as a civilian consultant to the Allies at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial. Dr. Wislocki made the original request for Dr. Schreiber's ouster to Dr. George E. Armstrong, Surgeon General of the Air Force.

Dr. Alexander last night denied Dr. Schreiber's counter-charge that the move to remove him from his post is "Communist-inspired." He termed the German "a special pet of the Russians" who only fied the Soviet zone of Germany when the Western powers declared an amnesty on Nazi war criminals in 1948.

Meanwhile, 27-year-old Janina Iwanska, a Polish girl who was deliberately infected with gangrene in the legs in 1942 at a German concentration camp, recognized Dr. Schreiber from a photograph and said he had examined her after the experiment.
