
1st Basketball All-Star Game To Be Played

Samborski Schedules Contest February 21; All-Star Match For House Hockey Proposed

Outstanding intramural basketball players from the eight Houses will meet in a special All-Star House game on February 21, at 8:30 p.m., at the Blockhouse, it was announced last night. Plans are now being made for a preliminary freshman All-star contest.

An All-Star hockey game may also be played as a preliminary to the Harvard-Princeton game on March 5.

Success of the "Open-Closed" All-Star football game led to the decision to have the basketball game. John Goldsmith '50, intramural sports referee, and Adolph W. Samborski '25, Director of Intramural Athletics, are in charge of the game and have been working on it for several weeks. The House athletic secretaries have already given the game their unanimous approval in a special meeting.

There will be no admission charge to the game, and the H.A.A. will pay all, expenses and print programs. Since the game will be held the night before the Cornell game, the stands will be up.

Players from Dudley, Kirkland, Eliot, and Winthrop will meet players from Lowell, Leverett, Dunster, and Adams in the contest. Except for a switch of Dunster and Eliot, this is the same way the teams lined up for the "Open-Closed" game. Goldsmith stated that the Houses were divided to give the "most even and best game possible."


Hansen, Krinsky Coaches

Forest Hansen of Eliot will coach the Dudley, Eliot, Winthrop, and Kirkland squad, while Ed Krinsky of Dunster will head the Lowell, Leverett, Dunster, and Adams team. The coaches will pick their own ten-man teams.

The freshman game is still indefinite, but probably the squads will be lined up with the American League versus the National League teams, as set up in the first half of the season.

The freshman game is still indefinite, but the high scorer of every one of the 19 Yardling teams will probably play, with the American League players against the National League ones.
