
Sandler Requests Powerful Council

'51 Head Asks Council Representation of Faculty Committees

Richard M. Sandler '52, President of last year's Student Council, last night presented a report to the Council which charged that in the present "gentleman's agreement" with University Hall the Council "has not even the minutes independent voice in the construction of policy."

Sandler further asked that, in order to instigate a direct link with the faculty "the Administration and the Council both seek to have Council members sit on Faculty Committees, ultimately with a vote."

Council members last night accepted Sandler's report. President Richard E. Johnson '53 said that the report will be studied by Council committees, following which it will come up for official endorsement.

Sandler explained that in the present set-up with the Administration, Council reports are submitted to the Dean's Office which then presents the reports, along with recommendations, to the faculty.

Three Proposals Rejected


Speaking of the three important proposals which the Council presented to the Administration this year, those of parietal rules, House deans, and membership lists, Sandler pointed to the fact that all three were rejected, and commented that "the tendency to be frustrated is far too great."

Council members will consider the pending decentralization of the Dean's Office in relation to Sandler's report.

Commenting further on the Council's relations with the faculty, Sandler predicted that "by having a seat, even a vote on Faculty Committees, the student body could in no way control Faculty decisions," but that the "forceful and direct avenue of communications thus afforded could only improve the relationship of the two bodies."

More Sophomores

Other parts of Sandler's report urged that the Council's election policy be amended to facilitate the inclusion of more sophomores in the Council. Sandler brought out the point that sophomores are only in the Houses three months when Council elections are held, and therefore stand less chance of being elected than do juniors.

Sandler stated that "there are too few (sophomores) on the Council, and as a result there are too few with experience eligible for the administrative posts." The report urged that "the present junior class elections be abolished and that the number of sophomore representatives be increased to four."

Secretary Thomas W. Hoya '53 commented that Sandler's proposal would tend to destroy the class sentiment of the juniors.
