
Varsity Squash Beats Harvard Club Due to Unexpected Defaults

The varsity squash team took a 3 to 2 victory over the Harvard Club of Boston yesterday, but the contest was closer than the score indicates. On the record books the Crimson won only one match and lost two. But thanks to two unexpected defaults by the Harvard Club the locals won the match.

Captain Dave Watts registered Harvard's only actual win, decisively beating Roger Sonnabend in three games, 15 to 11, 15 to 6, and 15 to 12.

Top-seeded Charlie Ufford dropped his first game against Milt Street of the Harvard Club, 15 to 12, rallied in the second game 7 to 15, but lost the next two, 18 to 15 and 15 to 12.

Larry Brownell and Hadden Tomes had the day off when their opponents failed to put in an appearance at Hemenway.

Charlie Elliott, fourth man for the Crimson, bowed to Dave Mittell in three games, 15 to 8, 15 to 11, and 15 to 11.


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