
Students Debate Parietal Rule Change: Cowardly Betrayal Low Conformity?

Puritanical Ambiguity

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

The decision of the faculty to cut out 15 hours room permission constitutes a stab in the back to the student body. The student Council is guilty in that it has failed in its role as spokeman for the student by consenting to a decision in which undergraduate opinion was not even polled.

I am sure that many students will agree that the weekday afternoons are the most sensible and satisfactory tome for the entertainment of women guests. This is the time when beau and belle can study together. Listen to Beethoven play cards sit by the five and relax to no one's detriment. Cutting out permissions from 1 to 4 seems to show vengeful spite on the part of the faculty and a cowardly betrayal on the part of the Student Council.

Of course it is a step forward to be able to entertain women guests on Saturday nights, but that is no reason for taking two steps backward. What possible reason is there for cutting out afternoon permissions? What is the interrelation ship between the two?

what irks me about the whole affair is that we are presented with a "fait accompif" without having had chances to say anything about it. It is also distributing to note that the faculty. In its puritanical ambiguity isn't democracy and it doesn't measure up to Harvard's ideals of justice and progress.


I hereby call upon the student body to fight for three ideals and act in response to a cowardly blow. Stephen R. Rubel '58
