
Education School Initiates Course In Administration

A new course for school administrators--"Administration in Action"--is in progress at the Graduate School of Education. The program is one of the first to be put into effect, although similar plans are being developed at other Universities.

The professional training program "may have a marked influence on the effectiveness of educational administration throughout the country," asserted Alfred D. Simpson, participating professor of Education.

Master's Degree Required

A group of 21 school administrators from various parts of the country are taking the course. It is based on field work and clinical studies of actual school problems.

A Harvard master's degree or its equivalent is required for the two year study which leads to the degree, Doctor of education. No these are required; instead administrative projects in local schools will be substituted.


The course was developed by the Faculty of Education after it made a study of school systems and the Harvard graduate schools. The combination of case and clinical methods is based on practice in other grad schools.
