
Woodworth Leads 'Messiah' Tonight

Handel's "Messiah" opens the Christmas concert season at 8:30 p.m. tonight at Sanders. G. Wallace Woodworth '24 will conduct the Glee Club, the Radcliffe Cheral Society, and the Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra in part. I, the Christmas portion of the work.

Gian Carlo Mcnefft's Christmas open. "Amahi and the Night Visiters," produced by the Longy School of Music, will make its Boston debut at Agassis Theatre December 18 and 19. Mcnofft's "The Pele phone" is also on the program.

Next Monday the Cherns Pro Musica will present a program of traditional and contemporary music featuring two soloists from the New England Opera Theatre. Alfred Nash Patterson will conduct the concert scheduled to begin at 8:50 p.m. at the Church of the Advent Boston.

Soloists for the "Messiah" are Davits G. Barnhense '33 and Paul Curaim Oscar Bemy '32 and Paul Tibbeffs the latter will known local professional Pickets for the performances tonight and forma now are still available at the Coop
