
Union Council Decides On Makeshift Billet For Freshman Study

While 500 freshman petitioners waited for news on their proposal to keep Lament Library open on Sundays, and later on week nights, the Union Committee voted last night to obtain a temporary study hall for '56 use.

The Union Library Committee suggested the use of either the basement of Memorial Church or the Union, stocking the study hall with reference material.

The student Council has announced its support to obtain the extension of Lamont hours.

Keyes D. Metcalf, Librarian of the College, previously told the Committee that their proposal to keep open one or two floors of Lament would not be possible because of the library's vertical heating and lighting systems.

The next Committee meeting, at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday in the second floor common room of the Union, will be open to the entire freshman class. A Christmas program is planned for Tuesday night, December 16, in the Union, the Union Committee announced.
