
UN Approves Indian Peace Plans Over Opposition of Soviet Bolc; Dulles Plans State Dept. Probe

Fulles Says Loyal Employees Safe

WASHINGTON, Dec, 3--John Foster Dulles, the next secretary of state, yesterday projected a through investigation of the State Department but declared that "loyal servants of our government have nothing to fear."

An indication of what may be one of Dulles' first actions when he takes over the State Department January 20 came in a statement he issued after a meeting with Secretary Dean Acheson.

Obviously aware of the impact of long-sustained Republican criticism on career diplomats and other workers whose boss he will be, Dulles Acheson.

Obviously aware of the impact of long-sustained republican criticism on career diplomats and her workers whose boss he will be, Dulles declared the foreign service "will be protected" by the Eisenhower administration "insofar as it is sound and free of corruption."
