
Finney Receives LaCroix Trophy; First J. V. Winner

Howard Finney '53 of Montalair, N.J., and Adams House won the William Paine LaCroix Memorial Award at the annual football team, dinner Tuesday night. H. Holton Wood '40 made the presentation.

Finney became the first member of the junior varsity to win the LaCroix Trophy, which is given annually to the varsity or jayvee player that best exemplifies the qualities of enthusiasm, sportsmanship, loyalty, and team spirit. LaCroix, a former varsity player, was killed in World War II.

A member of the junior varsity squad for three years, the 160-pound. Finney played quarterback when the team worked out of a T-formation, and tailback when it employed a single-wing. In varsity scrimmages he often initiated future varsity opponents.

Finney prepared at Philips Academy at Exeter, where he starred in basketball and basketball as well as football. He plays House basketball and pitches for the Gold Coast nine.

Previous winners of the LaCroix Memorial Award were Thomas Ossman in 1950 and Joseph Shaw in 1951. Ossman played fullback on the 1950 varsity team and Shaw, captain of the 1950 junior varsity squad, played first line defense in the guard slot his senior year.
