House committee chairman predict they may solder a new link between the Houses as they meet together for the first time in the Lowell Senior Common Room tonight.
According to Lowell chairman Robert Lown '53 the group will attempt to "try and coordinate some activities and work jointly on important matters. The purpose of our meeting is to decide just what the House committees can and should do," Lown said.
Most of the other House chairmen knew nothing about the meeting other than that its aim will be to iron out differences.
Discuss House Dances
Hugh. L. McCauley '53 of Dunster House said the group would discuss the frequent mix-ups in House dances, the especially those held during the Yale week-end. At that time Adams, Dunster, Kirkland and Leverett Houses became involved in a ticket price-war.
The Dance Committee then requested Dean Watson to sit in on its meetings.
"We will probably put more teeth in the Inter-House Dance Committee," McCauley said.
Lee Segal '53 of Leverett House remarked that the chairmen will probably form an "informal organization" which will meet to exchange information on House activities.
"Right new," said Segal, "We don't know what the other Houses are doing."
Last year, four House chairmen issued a protests on the University's handling of the Pogo riot. Lown feels this was not in the province of the House committees; rather, it was a matter for the student council.
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