
Belgium Gives $20,000 To Public Health Sch.

A gift of $20,000 by the Belgian government to the School of Public Health leaves that schools' private drive four funds for its newest professorship only $66,000 from completion.

The Richard Pearson strong Professorship of tropical Public Health got this substantial shot in the arm yesterday afternoon when the Belgian Ambassador to the United States, Baron Silvercruys, presented the gift at a special ceremony at the School.

The money came in appreciation of work down by strong, late Harvard professor of Tropical Medicine, in combating tropical diseases in the Belgian Congo.

The contribution brings the total fund to $309,000. $375,000 is required to establish the professorship. Most of the money collected thus for has come from friends of Strong.

Dr. Strong was professor of Tropical Medicine from 1913 to 1938, and professor emeritus of Tropical Medicine from 1938 until his death kin 1948.
