
HMC Starts Registration Of University's Musicians

For the first time in Harvard musical history all the available instrumentalists and vocalists in the University will be catalogued in master file.

Michael L. Greenebaum '55, president of the Harvard Music Club, announced last night that his organization would undertake the task. Today, tomorrow, and Wednesday questionnaires will be distributed in all the Houses, the Union, the Graduate Center, and Dudley, attempting to seek out and register latent musical ability.

"Radcliffe musicians will also be included in this catalogue." he stated, "but complete plans have not been made on taking their poll."

In the past, certain musical undertakings were neglected because of inadequate information on available talent. "Through the use of the new all-Colleges catalogue," Greenebaum said, "every interested organization from the House musical societies to the Harvard-Radcliffe Orchestra can obtain the desired talent." He further stated that when complied, the listing will be made available to any interested group in the University in hopes of stimulating more musical activity within the Houses.

An additional aim of the H.M.C. is to solidify musical groups so as to answer the wants of the student body. A method under consideration is a universal calendar of musical events which, according to Greenebaum, would eliminate certain program clashes and the necessity of a person having to be two places at the same time. "Both conditions," he said, "have existed in the past, much to the detriment of the performances."


In announcing these new plans, Greenebaum also revealed that the hitherto homeless H.M.C. has found a permanent office in the Music Building from which the new information will be disseminated.
