

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

I write in the full realization that a great deal of work is necessary that a paper such as yours might competently serve the University community. Discrepancies are bound to occur, granted, but this hardly serves to explain such a gross misrepresentation of the facts as appeared in last Saturday's edition. I refer to an article covering the intramural freshman football competition, won this fall by a team from Mower Hall.

The freshman title was decided nearly two weeks ago, and the editors seem either to have deliberately misled their readers by claiming that. "Mower Hall won the freshman football title yesterday," or their sense of chronology is hopelessly confused. Furthermore, neither Matthew South nor Mower finished the season undefeated and it also appears that the CRIMSON is laboring under the false impression that the manager of the mower team was its offensive sparkplug. I beg to differ, but the manager of the Mower team played in but one game throughout the entire fall. Mower was the only freshman team to play its Yale counterpart, and again the CRIMOSN in guilty of poor reporting for it was Matthews South that won by forfeit. The Indignant Residents of Mower Hall
