Police Publications, Inc., has printed a list which should interest all out-of-state automobile owners now living in Cambridge.
The Cambridge Police have listed all out-of-state cars that have been ticketed two or more times, but have not turned in the tags. Every auto whose license number appears on the list may be towed to a garage. The fee for towing is $5.
More than 30 cars have already been towed, the most blatant offender being a New Jerseyite who ignored seven tags, Over 60 vehicles remain on the list, with two Oregon and Alabama autos leading the pack with four violations apiece.
The offenders: Ala.--1C 48788; Cal.--1C 58783, 7B 74548; Col.--11-266-33; Conn.--SI 640; Delaware--126288; District of Columbia--J4437; Ill.--289790, 972534, 1505796, 1901083, 1970376, 2317057; La.--404247, 483948; Me.--443, 217532; Md.--322339, Mich.--DK 6516; Minn.--103987; Mo.--K40827, 314064; N. J.--HB 65 T, EA 96 A. NJ 206, KI 603; PM 691, EG 1785, HH 1900, CB 5802; N.M.--8-208; N.Y.--CP 244, CO 309, 4V 2201, KB 2207, CW 3315, 6C 3842, 6W 6062, RG 6353, 2V 8369, PW 9032, SUB-112508; Ohio--T888, CU 1226, H4082; Wis.--9-115459; Okia.--20-B144 Ore.--814-467; Penna.--3B10, 83RO. 100PL, 6Y137, A260K, B3877, S6200; R. I.--N8871; So. Carolina--D110097; Tenn.--4-13868; Texas--JR990; JW1661, ET6304; Vt.--E2059; Virginia--579808.
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