To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for endorsing my candidacy for Governor, I should like briefly to outline my views on the Governorship and my program.
Broadly speaking, I believe in humane progressive legislation, genuine economic security, continuing necessary services, and adequate help for the needy, all executed, unlike now, with complete honesty and economy. I propose to end waste and inefficiency in the State government and if I am elected, I will replace it with an honest Republican administration.
Jobs--Greatest Issue
I believe that the greatest bread and butter issue before the people of this once-thriving industrial state is JOBS. Massachusetts, by imposing the highest state corporation tax in the country, is driving out old industries and driving off new, and by paring the unnecessary and the wasteful off the budget, I will be able to bring these taxes down without impairing the many useful social functions which the state government performs. Further I will do all that I can to help textile companies and textile unions agree on a basis for remaining in Massachusetts rather than hindering them. I will also encourage labor standards in other states which will not undercut Massachusetts industry with sweatshop conditions.
The opposition has accussed me of wanting to end road construction. This is false. What I do want to end is the present excess of spendthrift costs, padded payrolls, and such items as overlaying a structurally strong bridge with useless bricks at high cost, items that are legion today.
Wood Out Payroll Patriots
As Governor, I would protect the interests of career people who perform important services of government in our state. By weeding out the payroll patriots, I would make room for the civil service employees, so they could get their jobs done and earn advancement without political interference.
I will make a thorough investigation of the MTA, and throw out the incompetents who have saddled its patrons with increased taxes and the 15-cent fare which Governor Dever four years ago promised would never come. Under a Republican Administration, I can promise that gasoline taxes will never be squandered on election-year shovel-leaners, and that inspection of contractors' work will not be so neglected that a faulty over pass collapses, endangering the lives of workers and bus passengers.
Full Veterans' Program
I believe that increased state aid to education is vitally necessary. A sound public policy is determined by the quality of our educational system, and I will do all that I can to strengthen our public schools system.
I am in favor of the extension of the full Veterans' program, including bonus, to the men and women serving in the Korean War. I favor a State income tax deduction for persons supporting elderly relatives and educating dependent children. I favor a Public Crime Commission to investigate corruption in government and organized crime.
I favor a salary increase for State employees based upon a rise in the cost of living. Once again the merit system will be in force and the conscientious State employee will not need political influence for promotion. I favor prompt cost-of-living increases for Old-Age Assistance recipients and provision for housing units adapted to the needs of the aged in public housing projects.
Congressional Record
In the last Congress I voted for a veterans' disability increase; increased Old Age and Survivors' benefits and increased grants for needy aged, dependent children, the blind and disabled; housing and school aid in critical defense areas; unemployment insurance for Federal employees; a cost-of-living increase to the Armed Services; and extending to Korean veterans benefits available to World War if veterans.
The Commonwealth, once the product of all States in the quality and integrity of its leadership, now stands before the people of the Nation condemned and ridiculed because of its machine-ridden, patronage-hungry, and pension-seaking Democratic Administration which has reduced government to its lowest ebb in history.
If elected Governor, I shall dedicate myself to the task of restoring dignity and wholesomeness to the Government of the Commonwealth. Christian A. Herter Republican candidate for Governor
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