
Johnson Leads Booters' Scoring With Six Goals; Beer Nets Five

Left outside Berk Johnson led the individual scorers of the varsity soccer team this year with six goals in only nine games. Johnson, a three-year veteran of varsity competition, was injured for three of the team's games. The team ended the year with a five-win, five-loss, two-tie record.

Close behind Johnson in goals scored was his wingmate, inside Johnny Beer, with five scores in 12 games. Beer is a junior, so will be back next year. Sophomore Mauricio Toro, who played in eight games at center forward, was third on the list with three goals.

Frank Davies, who played utility line-man most of the year and then moved into the center forward slot for the last three games, scored twice in 11 contests, as did Alex Haegler, alternate center half-back. Jack Whiting also made two goals, but only played in six games.

Dana Getchell, George Baker, Win Knowlton, Craig Zane, and Steve Joyce had one goal apiece.
