
Yard Football Team Favored Against Eli Yearlings Today

The freshman football team, better than both its record to date and its opponent today, will rule a solid favorite to end the season with a three and three record against the winless Yale freshmen on Soldiers Field at 2 p.m.

Bob Margarita's team, which has scored only seven points to the opposition's 87 in the last two games, has beaten strong Worcester Academy and Dartmouth, and was barely edged by undefeated Andover. The runaway scores by Brown and Princeton came more as a result of early substitutions by Margarita than ineptitude.

Dick Ochmler, 160 pounder from Pennsylvania, will start at tailback; the Crimson's most dependable performer, Ochmler runs well, and is an excellent kicker. Dexter Lewis, the team's high scorer, will play wingback. Although a left hander, Lewis probably won't pass, but runs particularly well on the buck lateral series.

Joe Crehore, former Andover co-captain, will start at blocking back and call the signals; Jost Michelson will also play there. Art Painter will open at fullback--but Bill Volmer will also see plenty of action. Volmer, one of the team's surest tacklers, will probably play defensive halfback.

Captain Dave Bodiker will start at center, and probably play most of the game at linebacker. Bill Meigs and Pete Summers, the former an All-State player from Pennsylvania, the latter a vastly improved ball player, will start at guards.


Orville Tice, former football captain at New Haven's Hillhous high, and John Maher will open at tackles. Both are over six feet two, and weigh 200 pounds.

Warren Cooper, who caught a pass for the Crimson's only touchdown against Princeton, will start at left end. John Getch replaces the injured John Pettiford at right end.
