
Scalper Asking $50 For Paired Yale Tix

With the Yale game officially a sellout and many alumni disappointed in their attempts to get tickets, undergraduates are placing tickets on the market for as much as $50 a pair. Two signs in the Union yesterday gave phone numbers of would-be scalpers asking that price. Both said they have had no calls so far.

A law student and a Radcliffe girl who advertised in Saturday's CRIMSON for tickets on Saturday reported numerous answers asking on the average of $15 to $20 a pair. One caller asked only the set rate of $9.60 for two end zone seats, but another wanted $20 for two on the 15. Neither the law student nor the 'Cliffedweller have arranged a purchase yet, but both agreed they would go as high as $7.50 for "good" seats.

The ticket agent at the Harvard Club of Boston reported no demand for extra seats there as of last night.
