
New Law School Fund Drive Begun to Raise $200,000 From Grads

The third "Law School Giving" drive, begun last week, has set a goal of $200,000, it was announced yesterday.

The drive is being conducted chiefly on a mail campaign with several thousand letters sent out last week to alumni throughout the country.

Close to $30,000 of the goal has already been received, all without any solicitations.

The first two "Annual Givings," each of which also had $200,000 goals, netted $64,056 and $158,536 respectively.

Five Projects


A small brochure, sent along with the letters, tells alumni the present financial situation of the Law School, emphasizing an expanded faculty, decreased enrollment, and other factors which necessitate the large financial aid of alumni.

Five projects will receive the bulk of the benefits from the drive, according to Assistant Dean Wesley E. Bevins, Jr. '48, Director of the campaign.

Among these were the Teaching Fellow program which needs $35,000 and the scholarship fund requiring $60,000. The brochure also states that an additional $35,000 will finish paying for the construction of the five new dormitories and for the last of the redecorating in Hastings Hall.

$20,000 for Library

Development of a research program will require another $50,000.

A final $20,000 is scheduled to be used to maintain the library staff and to procure the books necessary to keep the library stocked with latest writings.

The Law School has run at a deficit of close to $79,000 over the two years since the "Giving" drives began.
