
Parietal Rules Extended For Yale Weekend

Parictal rules will be extended and the sign-in requirement climinated for the Yale weekend, Housemasters announced yesterday.

Undergraduates will have an additional five hours of room privileges during Friday, November 21 and Saturday, November 22, according to a decision reached at the Housemasters' meeting last Wednesday.

Students will have a two-hour extension of privileges for Friday. Room permissions will be granted from 1 p.m. until 9 p.m., in place of the usual 7 p.m. deadline. Two formal dances--at Lowell and Eliot will begin at 9 p.m. Friday. On Saturday, privileges will be given from 10:30 a.m. until 8:30 p.m. an hour-and-a-half extension over the usual morning and evening deadlines.

s on Weekend

The requirement that all women guests be signed in will be suspended from 1 p.m. Friday until 8:30 p.m. Saturday. On Sunday, however, the rule goes back into effect.


Elliot Perkins '23, Lowell Housemaster, said the temporarily revised rules are "the same as we agreed upon two years ago. With only a slight variation, this a fair copy of the rules of 1950--actually it is normal Yale weekend procedure."

In 1948, the Housemasters decided on uniform 9 p.m. permissions for Saturday night. This rule, however, did not work, since the formal dances began at 8:30 and bands were playing to empty houses for half-an-hour.

In 1950, the deadlines varied: Winthrop, Eliot, and Lowell agreed on 9 p.m. privileges; Adams set an 8:30 deadline, and Kirkland, Leverett, and Dunster permitted no women guests after 8 p.m.
