
Local Experts Tangle On Strength of Nazi Recovery in Germany

Professors could not agree yesterday on whether the recent German elections portend the rise of nazism. Carl J. Friedrich, professor of Government, felt that the small increase of Nazi strength in local elections does not indicate a general trend.

"The loss of strength by the government coalition is not a sign of a move to the right. It indicates only that the Christian Democrat party is losing the support of the Protestants and becoming a Catholic party. I regard the most significant fact that, after seven years of disappointment, 85 percent of the Germans have voted for the party of constitutional democracy."

Edward Perroy, exchange professor of History, disagreed as a French Socialist. He said, "The German elections indicate the general European trend toward the right. We must be careful before giving Germany free government and a large army."

Charles H. Taylor, professor of History, added, "If I were a Frenchman, I would be disturbed by these elections. The right and left are squeezing out the center, just as I observed in Italy this summer."

German students at the University bear out Friedrich's opinion. Baron Ruediger von Pachelbel-Gehag, doing graduate work in law, says, "The German people learned their lesson after the war. They are glad of the existence of a fascist party so that its strength can be known. Fascism could never gain support in Germany."


Dr. Hans-Joachim Arndt, on a fellowship from Germany, adds, "Actually, the fascist party is laughed at in Germany. The American press has exaggerated its importance simply because of its existence."
