
Sailors Tie Engineers; Final Race on Sunday

Crimson sailors have only one more chance to win the Fowle Trophy, symbol of supremacy among seven eastern colleges.

Yesterday, the four man team managed to beat M.I.T. 38 1/4 to 23 in its opening race. It lost to the Engineers 32 1/4 to 28 in the second, which leaves the play-off series at two all. The Crimson and M.I.T. also tied in the regatta finals last weekend.

The team meets M.I.T. in the Basin next Sunday in the wind-up, a mile race for the championship. The meet may also end the season, since a trip to the national dinghy races is still in the tentative stage. The usual team, Charlie Hoppin, Jim Nathanson, Tim Brown, and George Robertson, sailed in yesterday's encounter.
