
For Congress:

A hostile Congress almost managed to impeach President Johnson, and years later Harry Truman in a burst of indignation branded for history "that good for nothing, do nothing 80th Congress." In many less obvious cases, a Congress controlled by an opposition party has slowed, temporarily stymied, or completely stopped a President's policies and the program on which the voters elected him.

It is a simple, practical fact that a President cannot build his policies into legislation without a Congress, and particularly a House of Representatives, controlled by his party. There will always be renegades, but the great majority of Representatives will trod dutifully along behind the House majority leader and the party whip. And since the whip and majority leader meet each week with the President to decide policy, they are primarily interested in carrying out the President's program in the House.

Because of these facts and because we are wholeheartedly endorsing Governor Stevenson, we support with but one exception all Massachusetts Democrats running for the U.S. House of Representatives. This includes the present House Majority Leader, John W. McCormack, who has an especially good voting record, and the nominee from the Cambridge district, Thomas P. O'Neill. Our one exception is John W. Heselton, an incumbent Republican from the western part of the state, who has distinguished himself by independence of mind and a liberal voting record.

The CRIMSON will make exceptions whenever it feels that a member of the opposition party has an especially acceptable record or, as in the case of Senator Lodge, he serves an important, constructive purpose.

But except for such cases, we will continue to support the Democratic platform and the men pledged to carry it out.
